Monday, November 21, 2011

Organic or Not?

The U.S. Department of Agriculture certifies organic products according to strict guidelines. In order to apply for certification, organic farmers must pass a test, and pay a fee.  However, it is important to indicate that this means not all organic foods become certified, even though all certified food is organic.
If you come across an item that has the label, “USDA Organic”, it means that at least 95 percent of the food’s ingredients were organically produced.  It also means that it has been produced and processed according to the USDA standards.  However, obtaining the seal is voluntary, but many organic producers use it.  Products that are 100 percent organic, such as fruits, vegetables, eggs, or other single-ingredient foods are labeled only a small USDA seal.
Some product labels may also state that the product was “made with organic ingredients,” which means the product contains at least 70 percent of ingredients that are organic.  Foods containing less than 70 percent organic ingredients cannot use the seal or the word "organic" on their product labels.  They can include the organic items in their ingredient list, however. (Mayo Clinic)  Foods that have multiple ingredients, such as breakfast cereal, can use the USDA organic seal plus the following wording, depending on how many organic ingredients:    
  • "100 percent organic": To use this phrase, products must be either completely organic or made of all organic ingredients.
  • "Organic": Products must be at least 95 percent organic to use this term.

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