Are foods that are labeled with the name “organic” found to be healthier and bettering for our bodies than conventional foods? It is clear from the scientific literature to date that organic food is certainly more nutritious and less toxic than conventional food. Does this equate to better overall health and a lower risk of chronic diseases? You might be surprised by the answer that you will soon discover.
Much of the published data on pesticide exposure and disease does show an increased risk in most cases. The biggest fear of many people is cancer.
The National Cancer Institute states that "studies of people with high exposure to pesticides, such as farmers, pesticide applicators, manufacturers, and crop dusters, have found high rates of blood and lymphatic system cancers; cancers of the lip, stomach, lung, brain, and prostate; as well as melanoma and other skin cancers".
Another study performed a meta-analysis on 40 case-controlled studies and found being exposed to pesticides for greater than 10-20 years was associated with a higher risk of Parkinson's disease. Other risk factors such as rural living, well-water consumption, and farming played a part as well. Another study showed an increased risk of Alzheimer's disease in occupational workers exposed to pesticides.
So while there is a link to pesticide exposure and disease it appears that the highest risk is in those who have the greatest exposure (farmers, workers, etc.) and only after being exposed to high amounts over long periods of time. The amount of pesticide residue left on the food you buy is much lower than what these studies allude to. (Dunaif GE, Campbell TC)
An even more important aspect of this topic in regards to pesticide exposure and your overall health is what you can do to prevent the risk of disease from occurring. A large body of evidence points to the fact that consuming a nutrient dense, plant-based diet and avoiding processed and animal-based foods reduces your risk not only of cancer due to pesticide exposure but also many other chronic diseases (heart disease, diabetes, dementia, etc.).
The most influential evidence to date concerning more organic diets relation to cancer has been conducted by Dr. T Colin Campbell who has spent over 40 years of his life in nutritional research. Dr. Campbell conducted several studies on a known potent carcinogen called aflatoxin. He was able to show that the cancer causing effects of aflatoxin could be "turned on" and "turned off" simply by how much protein was consumed in animal studies. When more than 10% of the total calories were consumed as casein (animal based protein found in dairy) then cancer growth was ignited and tumors began to form. It is a fact that eating non-organic foods increases your exposure to pesticides, however it does not mean that you are on the fast track to develop cancer and other debilitating diseases. It is most important that you eat a diet that contains large amounts of nutrient dense, health promoting foods such as fruits & vegetables as well as legumes, whole grains, & nuts/seeds. Having a diet on this basis will arm yourself with an excellent defense mechanism against many of the chronic diseases that we are experiencing today in our society. Throughout investigation, there is no doubt that organic food is more “natural” than conventional food, and in the long run better for our bodies.
Below is a video of Dr. Campbell's research, and his scientific data of the benefits of organic food to our bodies to reduce the risk of cancer:
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